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Elyse Porterfield is the Dry Erase Board Girl From TheChive

A office worker has apparently quit her job in anger at her boss 
by sending her colleagues a string of photographs dishing the dirt on 
Yesterday morning, Jenny quit her job with a (flash)bang by emailing this photos to the entire office Photo: CHIVE.COM
The young woman, only known to be called Jenny, wrote on a whiteboard to tell her 20 colleagues that their boss, called Spencer, had a bad temper, smelly breath and had demotivated staff, website The Chive reported.
She claimed that her boss had called her a "hot piece of ass" in a phone call she overheard but managed to get the acronym wrong and called her a "H.O.P.A.".
However, she apparently saved her best statements to last, saying that she had used internal software installed to monitor staff computer usage and discovered how much time "Spencer" wasted at work.
She wrote that he spent: four hours a week on Scottrade (an investment site), 5.3 hours a week on TechCrunch (tech news blog), and 19.7 hours a week playing the Facebook simulation game Farmville.
It has not been possible, however, to ascertain the truth of the claimed resignation, which has been dismissed as a hoax by many bloggers. However, if true, it would compare favourably with the air steward who announced on the tannoy that he was quitting after dealing with a rude passenger, then grabbed two beers from the trolley and exited by the emergency slide.

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