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Make Money from your Site or Blog with BidVertiser

Webmasters and bloggers make money from your website or blog
Make money from your Website or Blog - get paid for every click!
Join BidVertiser now and we will turn your advertising space into cash!

Simply display the BidVertiser text ads on your website and let advertisers bid against each other!

We will always display the highest bidders to maximize your revenue so you will make more money!
  New! BidVertiser Ads For Feeds - Now you can also make money from your feeds!
  To begin displaying BidVertiser ads on your site, simply follow these steps:

  1. Choose your ad template by clicking "Choose Template".
  2. Click "Get Ad Code" to get your ad HTML code.
  3. Paste the HTML code into your website where you would like ads to be displayed.
  4. If needed, click on "Templates Design" on the upper navigation bar to customize the colors and fonts of the chosen template.
Note: if you wish to use more than one template (for example, banner & button), simply click "Add new BidVertiser" and choose a different template for it.

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